How GPR Scanning Works
When you order a GPR scan, our technician will scan the areas you request and mark the layout of the objects as he sees them directly on the slab. These real-time results will allow you to make immediate decisions, if needed. For instance, if the result from the scan tells you that your layout is over rebar or post-tensioned cable, you’ll immediately be able to see which direction and how far you need to move your layout. If a GPR report is needed, one can be emailed over in PDF form. The report will include photos of the layout along with the corresponding scan imagery, as well as a written review of the findings.
GPR Scans Save You Time and Money
Other than being a necessary measure in cases of electrical conduit or post-tensioned cable, GPR scanning can be a time(and money) saving option. We’ve gone to projects to cut hundreds of feet of plumbing trench, just to cut and have to the tell our customer that it appears that a large section of the trench is laid out running parallel over a concrete beam. So, at this point, our customer already has to pay for our cutting, and now has to face either paying for hours of jackhammering, or coming up with a whole new layout. With GPR scanning, you can map the layout of the concrete beams to find the best path for your scope.